Social Inclusion through the Circus: an Integrative Review


Circus activities gained space in the media and expanded through the performance of educational projects. However, researchers on the circus theme as a means of social inclusion must agree that this phenomenon still needs to be better investigated. Therefore, this study sought to identify, evaluate and synthesize empirical articles on the use of circus activities as social inclusion published in Portuguese, English and Spanish on the Web of Science platform between 2011 and 2021. The total number of field studies identified for analysis (10) indicates that the field needs further empirical investigation. “Health and well-being” and “Social change” appeared as the most debated subjects in the selected studies.

Keywords: Circus, Social inclusion, Social change


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Author Biographies

Fernanda de Carvalho Nenartavis,

José Antonio Vianna,

How to Cite
Nenartavis, F. de C., & Vianna, J. A. (2022). Social Inclusion through the Circus: an Integrative Review. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 27(291), 152-168.
Review Articles