Get the Cheapest Flights Thanks to a VPN

  • Pedro Claro Independiente


A VPN (Virtual Private Network) is a private virtual network that uses data encryption as a protection tool. It is a fundamental mechanism to keep your own geolocation, search history and, ultimately, privacy, secure. Another application of the use of a VPN is that it allows you to obtain flights at a lower cost, since travel companies and airlines adapt the prices of their services from one country to another.

Keywords: VPN, Privacy, Internet


Ezra, P.J., Misra, S., Agrawal, A., Oluranti, J., Maskeliunas, R., y Damasevicius, R. (2022). Secured Communication Using Virtual Private Network (VPN). In: K. Khanna, V.V. Estrela, y J.J.P.C. Rodrigues (eds) Cyber Security and Digital Forensics. Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies (pp. 309-319), vol. 73. Springer,

Galindo Núñez, A.C. (2019). Derechos digitales: una aproximación a las prácticas discursivas en internet desde la etnografía virtual. PAAKAT: rev. tecnol. soc., 9(16).

How to Cite
Claro, P. (2022). Get the Cheapest Flights Thanks to a VPN. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 27(288), 221-225. Retrieved from