The Rubric as an Instrument to Achieve the Optimal Match. An Experience with the Dribbling


Introduction: One of the keys to evaluation is its great value for detecting errors in learning, although when reporting the results, the positive is rarely highlighted and, even less so, the degree of adequacy. of the given solution. But evaluation not only allows evaluation, but it is an excellent means to previously describe the learning to be achieved, in addition to allowing us to formulate the framework of previous knowledge of the students and, therefore, of the optimal learning situations to be designed for the characteristics and learner needs. The purpose of this article is to propose the design of an evaluation instrument in order to offer the coach a tool that allows him to combine excellent feedback to the player, a qualitative means of establishing the starting point of learning and the determination of the aspects to reach. The rubric, as a formative evaluation tool, offers a response to the needs of the technician to offer learning experiences contextualized to the needs and characteristics of the apprentice.

Keywords: Evaluation, Basketball, Learning, Technique


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Author Biography

Carlos Yeray Lobato Aragón,

How to Cite
Lobato Aragón, C. Y. (2022). The Rubric as an Instrument to Achieve the Optimal Match. An Experience with the Dribbling. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 27(295), 180-191.
Innovation and Experiences