Development of Sports Skills in Children Through the Use of the Video Game Kinect Sports


There is currently a large amount of research that relates the favorable effect of the use of video games with aspects of the educational and learning environment. The present study was carried out in the facilities of the Luis García Guzmán elementary school in Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, Mexico. Objective: To know the effect produced by a psychomotor intervention program through the use of the video game Kinect Sports seasons 1 and 2 in the development of six sports skills in children in the fifth grade of primary school. Method: 30 fifth grade students (15 boys and 15 girls) were studied and randomly divided into the Experimental and Control groups. To evaluate the development of sports skills, the Object Control test was used, contained in the Gross Motor Development Test (TGMD-2) before and after the intervention process, which consisted of the use of the Kinect video game Sports Seasons 1 and 2, distributed over 20 scheduled sessions of 15 minutes each. Results: The six skills evaluated in the Experimental group presented statistical differences in the post-test, while the Control group only presented statistical differences in two of the skills evaluated: dribbling and shooting over the shoulder. Conclusion: The use of the Kinect Sports video game in a dosed way improves the development of sports skills in children through a short intervention program.

Keywords: Sports skills, Video game, Xbox Kinect


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How to Cite
Ontiveros Terrazas, J. A., Nieto Martínez, S. I., Cruz Ramos, M. I., Quezada Leo, D. E., & Rodríguez Carrillo, H. C. (2022). Development of Sports Skills in Children Through the Use of the Video Game Kinect Sports. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 27(294), 90-102.
Research Articles