Music as Ludic Didactic Strategy for the Acquisition of Vocabulary in English


The main objective of this research is to analyze the use of music as a ludic didactic strategy for the acquisition of vocabulary of the English language as a foreign language in the students of the second level at “Dr. Gonzalo Abad Grijalva” high school, which arises due to the little knowledge of vocabulary that they have in this language. The methodological proposal has a quantitative approach, with a descriptive reach due to the information obtained through bibliographic sources and digital degree theses acquired from the Internet. The results obtained from a survey addressed to students are analyzed; which made it possible to know that music is a strategy that gives students the opportunity to increase vocabulary. The survey was carried out as a research technique, with a questionnaire of eight questions addressed to students, with a polyatomic scale. The results obtained showed that activities based on the use of songs in English do affect students and make them feel motivated when using them as a learning tool. In conclusion, it was found that the learners are at a level where they can use songs in English, which enables them to acquire vocabulary and develop the skills of learning this language, promoting oral fluency naturally.

Keywords: Music, Acquisition of vocabulary, Ludic strategy, Didactic strategy, English


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How to Cite
Paz Zambrano, G. M. (2022). Music as Ludic Didactic Strategy for the Acquisition of Vocabulary in English. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 27(291), 76-89.
Research Articles