Computer Algorithm to Regulate the Margin of Error in the Estimation of the Intensity of the Exercise


Since 1938 there are problems with the models used to estimate maximum heart rate, the application of the heart rate response to exercise has been used to calculate the intensity at which training will be performed, but there is a lot of variation between the estimates and the results. real measurements, so that what is desirable includes variations of plus or minus 3 beats per minute. With the aforementioned, the objective is the creation of a computer algorithm as a tool, which supports the construction of linear regression models with the minimum possible error in beats per minute. Such a software application is published in open access on GitHub under the name eq.exe.

Keywords: Sport, Open source software, Planning


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How to Cite
Buendia-Lozada, E. R. P. (2023). Computer Algorithm to Regulate the Margin of Error in the Estimation of the Intensity of the Exercise. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 27(296), 23-32.
Research Articles