A Semiology of Physical Education


Semiotics and its disciplinary field is enough and rich to seek discussions within the framework of Physical Education. The study of Physical Education can feed on the review of its syntagmas, its meanings and the praxis of education professionals. Supported by semiotic and semioanthropological study processes, the interpretive and significant capacity of the physical educator can mature by making explicit mechanisms of action and meaning in the meeting of both disciplines to offer other panoramas of imagination, thought and action in increasingly uncertain scenarios and complex for physical educators. Semiology offers opportunities to seek a meta-rationality that is little developed in the physical educator, from its incorporation, explanation and study approach, opening new problematizations and approaches for Education in general and Physical Education in particular.

Keywords: Semiotics, Physical Education, Meaning, Grammatization


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How to Cite
González Pérez, A., & López Brito, Y. (2023). A Semiology of Physical Education. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 27(297), 153-166. https://doi.org/10.46642/efd.v27i297.3655
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