Physical Activity Level and Influence on Mood States, Anxiety and Self Image in University Students


The regular practice of physical activities in the life of university students becomes secondary, either due to high academic demands or abrupt changes in lifestyle. However, as this academic environment is competitive and demanding, it can in turn change mood levels, anxiety and perception of these students; in this sense the exercise can be a great ally in facing the adversities of the academic period. Thus, the present study sought to evaluate and compare the levels of mood, anxiety and perception of body self-image of 66 university students. The results showed that the level of physical activity influenced the Total Mood Disorder (TMD), with the most active groups having an improvement over time [(SA group (6.55±29.03%, p=0.046) and MA (9.48±28.94%, p=0.023)]. However, the anxiety and self-image of the students was not verified improvement. Thus, it can be understood that higher levels of habitual physical activity can help university students in their mood patterns, thus helping with an improvement in the academic environment.

Keywords: Mood states, Anxiety level, Self image, Physical activity, University students


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Author Biographies

Alejandro de Moraes Stoduto,

Isabela Ambrósio D'alpino,

Deivide Telles de Lima,

Ademir Testa Junior,

Gabriel de Souza Zanini,

How to Cite
Stoduto, A. de M., D’alpino, I. A., Lima, D. T. de, Testa Junior, A., & Zanini, G. de S. (2023). Physical Activity Level and Influence on Mood States, Anxiety and Self Image in University Students. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 27(297), 88-102.
Research Articles