The Orienteering Race as a Practical Knowable Object for the Integral Formation


Adventure physical activities in nature, which have long been part of the curriculum of the physical education course, provide the sharing of knowledge between mindful and cognizable subjects, forming values and modulating attitudes and behaviors for the good of society. The present narrative review of the literature aimed to present the orienteering race as a holistic development tool for individuals of different ages, social classes, genders, and health states. Considering the Professor as a knowing subject, he has an essential and current tool as a practical knowable object, that is, the conduct or motor behavior that generates changes in the formal knowable object (the student) which is the orientation race. All physical practice can develop adaptations in direct relation to the stimulus's type, volume, and intensity. When a stimulus is considered weak, it only excites or warms the organism.In contrast, when the stimulus is adequate, it generates positive physiological and cognitive adaptations for the development of the systems. On the other hand, when the stimulus is excessive for age, training level, or health status, it can generate negative adaptations such as overtraining. In this way, the orienteering race is presented as an adequate alternative to be implemented in schools and sports centers, aiming to promote the physical, mental, social, environmental, and proprioceptive health of individuals in training.

Keywords: Education, Physical Education, Psychomotricity, Knowledge


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Author Biographies

Marcelle Karyelle Montalvão Gomes,

Aníbal Monteiro de Magalhães Neto,

Luis Carlos Oliveira Gonçalves,

How to Cite
Gomes, M. K. M., Neto, A. M. de M., & Gonçalves, L. C. O. (2023). The Orienteering Race as a Practical Knowable Object for the Integral Formation. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 28(299), 180-193.
Review Articles