Lateral Dominances for Turns and Springboard Runs in the Cuban National Diving Team


The project "Study of Laterality patterns of elite athletes and their reserve", of the Cuban Sports Research Center (CIDC), recently determined the laterality patterns of the members of the National Diving Team. However, it is known that there are external factors that can cancel the genetic laterality of the athlete during the learning and development of motor skills. Therefore, it is necessary to deepen the characterization of this group to proceed effectively in taking advantage of these strengths. The objective of this article is to diagnose the relationship between shoulder, hip and support leg laterality and lateral dominance in the National Diving Team during the execution of the turn on the longitudinal axis and the springboard race. Theoretical level methods were used: analysis-synthesis, inductive-deductive, and the empirical level: document review; investigative techniques: interview and survey and as statistics: percentage distribution and mode. The diagnosis revealed the existing concordances and divergences between individual lateral dominances and laterality and the influence of the perceptual-cognitive process in determining rotational preferences.

Keywords: Laterality, Motor dominance, Diving


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How to Cite
Menocal del Toro, Y., Martínez Pérez, O., Rodríguez Beygles, S. M., Martí Estévez, P., Brito Vázquez, E., & Barzola Córdoba, A. J. (2023). Lateral Dominances for Turns and Springboard Runs in the Cuban National Diving Team. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 28(300), 50-61.
Research Articles