Review of the book 'Psychology and education: the meaning of learning' by Jorge La Rosa

  • Jorge Luiz dos Santos de Souza Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - UFSM
  • Camila Chiodi Agostini Universidade Luterana do Brasil - ULBRA


This work it is a review where were brief comments made about the book "Psychology and Educational: meaning of learning" of Edipuc publisher, organized by Doctor of Psychology Jorge La Rosa and written with the help of six scholars. In the book under consideration, writers used a dynamic co-working over the eleven chapters, expounding on the main theories of learning and their theorists. The work also goes further because there are chapters that specifically deal with the motivation, of the logotherapy, of infantile sexuality and learning difficulties.

Keywords: Psychology, Education, Learning
How to Cite
dos Santos de Souza, J. L., & Agostini, C. C. (2018). Review of the book ’Psychology and education: the meaning of learning’ by Jorge La Rosa. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 23(246), 140-148. Retrieved from
Brief Communications