Effect of the ludic in the improvement of motor skills in soccer players of 12 to 16 years

  • Leonardo Ferreira Silva Bacharel em Educação Física
  • Paulo Francisco Almeida Neto Bacharel em Educação Física e Especialista em Prescrição de Exercícios Grupos Especiais
  • Ana Carla Gomes Canário de Araújo Doutora em ciências da saúde, professora titular da Uninassau depto ED fisica


In sports various pedagogical trends are used in order to define an ideal model of teaching and learning, and among these, the playful emerges as training strategy without charges or pre-established standards. Goal: Evaluate the acute effect of playfulness inserted in the teaching learning about the efficiency of the agility and speed of performance in children and adolescents soccer players. Methods: This is a study described cross, consisting of 20 children and adolescent males, aged 12 to 16 years. The subjects were divided into two groups GI (playful) and GII (not playful), submitted to the Sprint test 20 meters that measured speed and the square agility, and the GI held recreational activities throughout the process of the testing and GII has a moment of heating and immediately started the battery of tests without any playful intervention. Results: The GI group had an average of 4.94 ± 0.99 for the test speed while GII has averaged 5.74 ± 0.29. The positive effect of playfulness also confirmed in the test where the velocity GI performed the test with the mean time of 3.34 ± 0.34 and 3.73 ± 0.25 GII. Conclusion: The soccer players who performed recreational activities, obtained a better performance of the variables agility and speed compared with those who did not make the play activities.

Keywords: Soccer, Teenager, Ludic, Agility, Velocity
How to Cite
Silva, L. F., Almeida Neto, P. F., & de Araújo, A. C. G. C. (2018). Effect of the ludic in the improvement of motor skills in soccer players of 12 to 16 years. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 23(246), 40-48. Retrieved from https://test.efdeportes.com/index.php/EFDeportes/article/view/648
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