The possibilities of urban law as a discipline and the guarantee of the right to the city

  • Rogério Augusto Figueiredo Coutinho State University of Montes Claros - UNIMONTES
  • José Maria Xavier de Oliveira Faculty San Agustin
  • Guélmer Júnior Almeida de Faria State University of Montes Claros - UNIMONTES


These reflections aim to understand the various approaches to the education of the right to the city, and more, with raids on the importance of urban law in the formation of several areas of knowledge, among them legal education, especially for the movement and strategies public entities in pursuit of territorial planning and hence sustainable socioeconomic development. Methodologically refers to the various regulations that, in theory, allow the feasibility of this goal, attuned to social, cultural and economic concepts in order to catch a systematic dialogue. Considering the transformations that urban areas and regional areas have suffered from the contemporary process known as globalization, in which the temporal and spatial compression of social processes and almost synchronic articulation of selective fragments are necessary in the face of social development.

Keywords: Teaching experiences, Urban Law, Right to the Citiy, Legal educaction
How to Cite
Coutinho, R. A. F., Oliveira, J. M. X. de, & Almeida de Faria, G. J. (2018). The possibilities of urban law as a discipline and the guarantee of the right to the city. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 22(236), 45-50. Retrieved from
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