Family scenario of children with obesity: considerations about eating habits

  • Denilson Gomes Silva Centro Universitário UNINOVAFAPI
  • Maria Verlana Carvalho Silva Centro Universitário INTA


Obesity is considered a universal disease of increasing prevalence and assumes epidemiological character. Childhood obesity is characterized when body weight is above 15% of the corresponding mean weight for age the condition is related to eating habits, physical activities and can lead the child to social, emotional and serious health problems. This study aimed to analyze dietary habits in the family setting of children with obesity. This is an exploratory study with a qualitative approach developed at the Maria das Dores Gonçalves Family Health Center, in the municipality of Sobral. Twelve mothers of children diagnosed with obesity participated. The information was collected during the month of November, 2017, from a structured questionnaire. Data were analyzed using the content analysis technique. In the results, the favorable knowledge about healthy eating and its importance during lactation prevailed, in relation to the feeding introduction the mothers reported that the food was the same as the family, the beliefs and practices referring to eating behavior originated mainly from the family culture, influence the mothers were aware of the importance of the nutritionist to accompany the children and their families to follow the appropriate treatment. It was observed that the relatives only changed the habits in the house from the moment that the children were diagnosed with obesity and they began to have a constant preoccupation not only with the children, but with all the members of the house. Thus, the nutritional intervention developed in childhood obesity should be based on the acquisition of healthy habits, promoting discussions about diet, physical activity and behavioral change. It is considered necessary the support of the professional dietician and family in this scenario.

Keywords: Child obesity, Food behaviior, Nutrition of the child
How to Cite
Silva, D. G., & Silva, M. V. C. (2019). Family scenario of children with obesity: considerations about eating habits. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 24(253), 56-65. Retrieved from
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