Trends in Artificial Intelligence for Education


This scientific article investigates emerging trends in artificial intelligence (AI) in the educational context, exploring its impact and transformative potential. Addressing key areas, the study highlights trends in learning personalization, virtual assistants, gamification, predictive analytics and ethics in the integration of AI in education. These AI-based tools provide personalized responses, contributing to efficient and enriching communication. Gamification and game-based learning are approaches that use AI to create more interactive and motivating educational experiences. By introducing playful elements, these techniques seek to stimulate students' interest, making the learning process more attractive. Ethics in educational artificial intelligence is an essential consideration. In summary, this study provides a comprehensive view of artificial intelligence trends in education, highlighting its transformative role. This article aims to analyze and discuss emerging trends in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) applied to education. Through a comprehensive review of up-to-date literature, technological and methodological innovations that are shaping the integration of AI into the educational landscape will be explored. The main focus will be to identify the main trends, challenges and opportunities associated with the use of artificial intelligence to improve teaching and learning processes. Furthermore, the article aims to provide valuable insights for educators, researchers and professionals interested in the growing role of AI in the evolution of education, aiming to contribute to the advancement of knowledge and practices in this dynamic domain.

Keywords: Trends, Artificial Intelligence, Education


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Author Biographies

Aline dos Santos Moreira de Carvalho,

Leonardo da Silva,

Afonso Celso Sampaio Ribeiro Filho,

Joelma Cellin,

How to Cite
Carvalho, A. dos S. M. de, Silva, L. da, Ribeiro Filho, A. C. S., & Cellin, J. (2024). Trends in Artificial Intelligence for Education. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 29(311), 135-147.
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