Effectiveness of an Adapted Taekwondo Program on the Flexibility of Elderly Women with Osteoporosis


Ageing is the result of a complex interaction between physiological ageing processes. The loss of flexibility compromises most of the functions necessary for good mobility, including daily activities. The study aimed to evaluate the effect of an Adapted Taekwondo program on the flexibility of elderly women. Flexibility was assessed by goniometry. The movements evaluated were: horizontal shoulder flexion (HSF), horizontal shoulder extension (HSE), shoulder abduction (SA), lumbar spine flexion (LSF), hip flexion (HF) and hip extension (HE). All angles were measured in degrees and evaluated according to the GDLAM Index, assigning the evaluations in Poor, Fair, Good and Very Good. The study included 12 elderly women, with a mean age of 69.6±3.9 years. The HSF presented a 13.6%; the HSE presented an evolution of 23.2%, and its qualitative evaluation evolved from regular to very good; the SA presented an evolution of 16.6%, from poor to good; the LSF presented a gain of 77.7% in amplitude, qualitatively the evolution was from poor to very good. The HF had no statistically significant increase and an increase of 5.4%, maintaining the evaluation of weak pre and post intervention the HE also presented remarkable data with an increase of 55.2%, the evaluation went from weak to very good. Adapted Taekwondo is an interesting option to gain flexibility and consequent mobility in some joints, it is suggested that those not benefited can be corrected through specific stretching or other activities.

Keywords: Senescence, Flexibility, Gerontology, Health


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Author Biographies

João Victor da Costa Alecrim,


Alyne Tavares Honorato,


Carlos Antonio Feu Galiasso,


How to Cite
Alecrim, J. V. da C., Honorato, A. T., & Galiasso, C. A. F. (2024). Effectiveness of an Adapted Taekwondo Program on the Flexibility of Elderly Women with Osteoporosis. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 29(315), 125-141. https://doi.org/10.46642/efd.v29i315.7547
Research Articles