Correlation Between Special Strength and Speed in the Performance of Triple Jumpers


Triple jumping is a discipline that requires a combination of different highly complex coordination, technical and physical skills. The athletes who practice it need a high level of training and preparation to reach their maximum potential, so the main characteristics of triple jumpers are derived from the most important factors that determine their performance: the speed achieved in the approach run, the ability to maintain speed throughout the 3 jumps, the reactive strength needed to perform each of the 3 jumps and the coordination ability to couple different movements performed by the different body segments at a given moment. The study was carried out with the aim of evaluating the correlation between special strength and speed with the competitive performance of national level triple jump athletes in Salta, Argentina. In order to obtain the data, different speed and special strength tests were applied at the end of the general preparation phase. The results showed that there is a strong correlation between special strength and the triple jump and a low correlation between speed and the triple jump of the national level athletes of the aforementioned discipline in Salta, Argentina. In conclusion, the results obtained show the importance of using specific tests related to the sporting gesture to evaluate the training process.

Keywords: Special force, Speed, Competitive performance, Triple jump


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How to Cite
Visentini, C. F., González Terry, C., & Vargas-Terrones, M. (2024). Correlation Between Special Strength and Speed in the Performance of Triple Jumpers. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 29(317), 59-75.
Research Articles