Corporeity and its relationships with school Physical Education
Corporeity refers to the body and the way it is used in relationships with the world and assumes direct relationships with School Physical Education. The purpose of this study is to conduct a brief discussion and to relate the importance of corporeity and Physical School Education in the stages of Basic Education For research, several searches were carried out in the scientific literature, in order to identify such relationship. When referring to corporeity, literature refers us to meanings related to the body, how it behaves towards society and the experiences that it can experience. If we take into account the issue of the development process, it is intimately connected with corporeality, even in the early years of life. When the child enters the space of Early Childhood Education, in addition to the relationship with the mother, this body will have another alternative to communicate through movement. Following in Elementary School, it is possible to observe that corporeity is also present, where the movement is treated as a way of expressing itself, aiming at a critical awareness that promotes an emancipation of the human being itself. As for high school, it was concluded that pedagogical practices need to be attentive to the age group of students, as they undergo physical, cognitive and even social transformations.
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