Vol. 25 No. 269 (2020)

Lo que viene: fútbol integrado

What's coming: integrated soccer
In the world of professional soccer, the one with the highest performance, formerly exclusively male, the presence of women is increasingly visible and significant: fans, leaders, referees, coaches, managers of players, applied professionals (doctors, psychologists, nutritionists and other scientists) and specialized journalists.
And also female players. The pioneers: Yuki Nagasato, world champion in 2011 and Olympic silver medal in London 2012, hired by Hayabusa Eleven of the second division in Japan, and Ellen Fokkema, who is part of the VV Foarut team of the fourth division, because of an initiative of the Dutch Soccer Federation to ensure diversity and equal opportunities.
Teams can already be mixed, integration is underway. So who will be the next team to join this social and cultural transformation? Which one in South America?
Tulio Guterman, Director - October 2020

Published: 2020-10-13



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