Active Proposals in Physical Education During Confinement by Covid-19


This study aims to present the interests and motivations of the students in Physical Education of ​​the proposals carried out during the period of confinement due to the Covid-19. To do this, a questionnaire was conducted with 602 students from 3 secondary schools in Spain. The objective is to know the activities that promote the taste for the practice of physical-sports activity during the confinement of the Covid-19. The results show that the proposals that they value the most were: sports games and activities, training with musical support and physical challenges. While those that were least valued were: the theoretical activities, directed dances, scheduled training sessions, and table games with a physical component. It should also be noted that the activities that involved more people than the students themselves were games and sports activities, training with musical support and motor challenges. Finally, highlight the importance of the Physical Education area in promoting an active and healthy lifestyle.

Keywords: Physical activity, Exercice, Engagement motor time, Healthy habits


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How to Cite
Martínez-Hita, F. J. (2020). Active Proposals in Physical Education During Confinement by Covid-19. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 25(266), 2-13.
Research Articles