Strengthening of resistance-strength in senior triathletes, swimming discipline


Introduction: Physical capacities are organic qualities that a certain organism presents, all related to motor action. For this reason, the empowerment of one or more determining capacities in sport implies improving sports performance. Objective: Performance enhance of resistance-strength capacity in senior triathletes of the Club CROE de Mirasierra to improve times in the swimming discipline. Methods: Quasi-experimental research of correlative order, selecting the triathlete population of the mentioned Club (30 subjects). The population underwent two training mesocycles applying an adapted block model with intensive orientation, focusing on specific resistance-strength training. Results: The swim test was initially determined at 28:36 seconds on average and later at 25:06 seconds on average (Male: ≈-3: 29s), while in female subjects the swim test was initially determined at 35:02 seconds and in the posttest at 33: 04 seconds on average (Female: ≈-1:57s). All tests were significantly different (p = 0.000). Conclusions: It is verified that resistance-strength training in swimming modality of triathletes studied improves the travel times in the water.

Keywords: Resistance-strength, Triathletes, Swimming


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How to Cite
Suntaxi Fustillos, W. D., Urbano Portilla, B. A., & Sandoval Jaramillo, M. L. (2020). Strengthening of resistance-strength in senior triathletes, swimming discipline. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 25(266), 124-133.
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