Effects of a Functional Training Plan in a Post-Pandemic Situation in the Gym "The Gym"


Introduction: Functional training is oriented to specific muscular work of daily life, for which each training routine is based on the individualization principle, which is why it is perfectly adapted to needs of inactive subjects derived from the pandemic due to COVID-19. Objective: to implement a functional training plan to improve the maximum post-pandemic aerobic capacity of athletes from the gym "The Gym". Methods: Quasi-experimental research of a correlative order, studying 40 people (20-30 years, both genders) with physical inactivity, implementing a functional training for four months, and assessing the maximum aerobic capacity in two moments. Results: An average was reached in the level pre-test of ≈8, and in the post-test of ≈11 level, being significantly different (p = 0.000) in post-test favor (Post-test: 20.00; Pre-test: 0.00). Conclusions: Functional training improved the maximum post-pandemic aerobic capacity from the gym attendees "The Gym", being an alternative to prolonged states of physical inactivity such as that caused in the present pandemic.

Keywords: Functional training, Post pandemic, Gym


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How to Cite
Hidalgo Quispe, M. A., Ipiales Quinatoa, C. A., & Vaca García, M. R. (2021). Effects of a Functional Training Plan in a Post-Pandemic Situation in the Gym "The Gym". Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 26(276), 52-62. https://doi.org/10.46642/efd.v26i276.2932
Research Articles