Youth and Physical Exercise: Considerations, Myths and Practical Applications


Objective: The present study aimed to contextualize the aspects involved with regard to youth and the practice of exercises. Methods: The search strategy of the articles included searches in the electronic databases Medline via PubMed, Scopus, Scielo and Lilacs. There was no publication deadline. The descriptors were used in English according to MeSH and in Portuguese according to the DeCS. Textbooks have also been used that support the understanding of concepts and their applicability. Results: In health promotion, exercise is extremely important, especially during childhood and adolescence. Strength training and / or intermittent high intensity aerobic exercises can be used for this purpose. Exercise when practiced with volume and intensity well controlled and according to age group is not able to negatively influence growth. For the practice of exercises can bring benefits for the development of young people, it is necessary to understand the concepts and applications that involve it. Conclusion: Science has made great strides in the field, and there are currently a number of scientifically-backed tools available to promote the practice of exercises for young people in a safe manner. However, some issues that involve the development of the young person and the practice of exercises have not yet been fully elucidated by science, thus lacking further studies on this topic.

Keywords: Human development, Exercice, Adolescence


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Author Biographies

Henrique Santa Capita Cerqueira,

Marcos Corrêa Junior,

How to Cite
Cerqueira, H. S. C., & Corrêa Junior, M. (2022). Youth and Physical Exercise: Considerations, Myths and Practical Applications. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 27(293), 205-220.
Review Articles