How to Start Exercising? It's Not as Hard as you Think

  • Sara Domínguez Independiente


Getting started in any sport or physical activity can be a daunting task for many people, especially if they have never done it before or have been inactive for a long time. Some tips that may be useful may be: set realistic, achievable goals and increase the intensity and difficulty over time; choose an activity that is pleasurable; create and maintain a routine, establishing days and times to carry it out; share it with others and others; start with simple exercises and consult specialized professionals both for medical control and for follow-up and advice; choose exercises that are not risky to prevent injuries; and celebrate achievements and personal progress.

Keywords: Physical exercice, Sport, Motivation


Álvarez, C.S., y Martínez, A.V. (2019). Calentamiento para la actividad físico-deportiva. Sus fundamentos metodológicos dentro del proceso de enseñanza. Panorama Cuba y Salud, 14(S1), 3-5.

Pereyra, E. (2020). Influencia de la motivación en la actividad física, el deporte y la salud. Revista Científica Arbitrada de la Fundación MenteClara, 5.

Zora, A.L., Canto, O.H.C., Naupay, L.P., Villanueva, C.A., Rojas, J.L.V., y Ortiz, J.C. (2019). Uso de la bicicleta como propuesta para mejorar los hábitos de vida saludable. Investigación Valdizana, 13(2), 85-94.

How to Cite
Domínguez, S. (2023). How to Start Exercising? It’s Not as Hard as you Think. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 28(299), 261-265. Retrieved from