Alternative badminton and mini tennis: experiences in the context of high school

  • Osni Labiak Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa
  • Marcelo José Taques State University of Ponta
  • Ilma Célia Ribeiro Honorato State University of Ponta


The aim of the study was to analyze alternative possibilities insertion sports badminton and mini tennis on the 1st year of high school. The research was conducted in a group of 18 students of 1st year of high school in a public school in the municipality of Guarapuava (PR). We chose the qualitative approach to design-driven research-action. Data collection includes the application of a set of lessons and notes in a field diary. With the results it was observed that the inclusion of alternative sports in 1st year of high school is possible the emergence of new possibilities for educational intervention through alternative content, contributing to the expansion of knowledge in the learning process teaching and student.

Keywords: School of Physical Education, Sport at school, Alternative sports, Badminton, Mini tennis
How to Cite
Labiak, O., Taques, M. J., & Honorato, I. C. R. (2018). Alternative badminton and mini tennis: experiences in the context of high school. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 22(236), 32-36. Retrieved from
Research Articles