Adaptations in the area of Physical Education: practical proposals for visual and hearing disabilities

  • Andrés Rosa Guillamón Consejería de Educación de Murcia
  • Eliseo García Cantó Universidad de Murcia


In today's educational systems, attention to diversity is a non-negotiable obligation for politicians and education professionals. Inclusive education is nowadays the most appropriate option to face it, since it defends human rights and makes Principles of equality, equity and social justice. Disability is a restriction or absence (because there is a deficiency) in the ability to perform an activity (conventional). The aim of this work was to analyze visual and auditory disabilities and to propose examples of adaptation in motor games.

Keywords: Physical Education, Games, Visual impairment, Hearing disability, Children
How to Cite
Rosa Guillamón, A., & García Cantó, E. (2018). Adaptations in the area of Physical Education: practical proposals for visual and hearing disabilities. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 23(246), 102-122. Retrieved from
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