Vol. 23 No. 246 (2018)

Los Voladores de Papantla. Parque Fundadores, Playa del Carmen, Quintana Roo, México

When we perform a teaching task, is there a need to contextualize the practices? It seems an obvious question that any person, teacher or not, would answer yes. However, when we inquire on a recently developed proposal that suggests to take into account social, cultural or geographical facts, offers rarely abound.

Paulo Freire, Brazilian educator, proposed to fight for an education that teaches us to think and not for an education that teaches us to obey. Even so, education still follows homogenous proposals, despite the enormous progress made towards a world that seeks respect for diversity and acceptance of heterogeneity.

During these times, it is a great challenge to be able to create the conditions so that we all have the same opportunities of being different.

Tulio Guterman, Director - November 2018

Published: 2018-11-21



Brief Communications