The Resistance Training Reverses Insulin Resistance in Rats with Periodontitis
The present study, aimed to evaluate the effects of resistance training (RT) on glycemia, insulinemia, insulin sensitivity, insulin signaling (IS), and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) levels in rats with periodontitis. 40 male Wistar rats were distributed into 4 groups: sedentary control group (SCN), exercised control group (ExCN), sedentary ligature-induced periodontal disease group (SPD), and exercised ligature-induced periodontal disease group (ExPD). 28 days after inducing periodontitis the RT started (14-week). Glycemia, insulin, TNF-α levels, and insulin sensitivity were analyzed using various methods. IS was evaluated by measuring tyrosine phosphorylated pp185 in insulin-sensitive tissues (western blot method). Higher levels of insulin, HOMA-IR, and TNF-α, and a decrease in insulin sensitivity were observed in the SPD group, which also had decreased levels of insulin-stimulated tyrosine phosphorylated pp185 in muscle and adipose tissue, when compared to the other groups. The ExPD group had increased levels of insulin-stimulated tyrosine phosphorylated pp185 compared to the SPD group, but showed no significant difference when compared to the SCN and ExCN groups. RT reversed both the insulin resistance (IR) and the IS alterations in rats with induced periodontitis, and decreased the insulin and TNF-α levels. Therefore, the results of show the importance of RT in preventing or reversing IR in rats with periodontitis.
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