Physical-Recreational Activities Project for Sedentary Young People in the Puerto Lisa Neighborhood


Introduction: A person who does not increase the energy spent at rest is 10% is classified as a sedentary person, being one of the basic problems of various non-communicable diseases. The strategies to control the sedentary lifestyle inevitably part of the good use of free time, where physical activity is essential. Objective: Reduce sedentary lifestyle in young people from the Puerto Lisa neighborhood through physical-recreational activities. Methods: Descriptive-correlational research, studying 68 young people from the mentioned neighborhood, using the GPAQ Questionnaire, and the Butt Motives Test. A physical-recreational project is implemented for two months, evaluating sedentary lifestyle and motivation towards its practice in two moments of the research process. Results: There is a significant improvement in moderate intensity physical activity (p=0.000), the number of days dedicated to moderate physical activity (p=0.000), and the time dedicated to moderate intensity physical activity (p=0.000), as well as a significant decrease in the time the young person spends sitting (p=0.000). The motivation index towards the practice of physical-recreational activities increased in favor of the post-test (p=0.000). Conclusions: The physical-recreational project implemented, contributed to reduce the sedentary lifestyle in young people of the Puerto Lisa neighborhood, showing a high level of motivation towards the participation of the project by the sample under study, fulfilling the research objective.

Keywords: Recreation, Youth, Sedentarism, Motivation


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How to Cite
Avecilla Montenegro, J. E., & Charchabal Pérez, D. (2022). Physical-Recreational Activities Project for Sedentary Young People in the Puerto Lisa Neighborhood. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 26(284), 52-65.
Research Articles