Outdoor spaces, recycled materials and motor activities. A project in pre-school education

  • Rita Bola Departamento de Educação e Psicologia – Universidade de Aveiro
  • Sónia Gabriel Departamento de Educação e Psicologia – Universidade de Aveiro
  • Rui Neves Departamento de Educação e Psicologia - Centro de Investigação em Didática e Tecnologia na Formação de Formadores - Universidade de Aveiro


The present study highlights the importance of early motor activity and play in the Outdoor Spaces, considering its importance for the development and learning of the child. It also reflects on the resources to be offered in outdoor space and the care to be taken in its selection and construction, referring to the advantages of building resources abroad from the resources of waste and children's opinions, collected from a questionnaire on the theme. Its objective is to analyze the potential of outdoor space for the motor development of children and promote, through the construction of material resources from waste, Motor Activity in outdoor space, fostering significant learning and the promotion of values of Environmental Education and Education for Sustainability since the early years.

Keywords: Motor development, Outdoor spaces, Play abroad, Multisensory stimulation, Renewable resources, Pre-school education
How to Cite
Bola, R., Gabriel, S., & Neves, R. (2018). Outdoor spaces, recycled materials and motor activities. A project in pre-school education. Lecturas: Educación Física Y Deportes, 23(246), 85-101. Retrieved from https://test.efdeportes.com/index.php/EFDeportes/article/view/329
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